Friday, 31 August 2012

A Small Concern

Well we can't get on to our accommodation on Bunaken Island. We hope it still exists.

Other than that we take each day a closer step. Today we bought the Bushman Insect Repellent. We are ready for anything now!

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I love the people of Indonesia. It is going to be great to share this experience and these people with my family. The joy of us having the same experience, and the different eyes the world will be viewed through will be the foundation for a great adventure!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

How I Feel About Going - Connor (11) - 24 Days To Go

I'm so excited. And so is everyone else I think. Just went over the itinerary and I think it is good. I think we are going to be tired when we get back. Not sure when to start my own journal. Looking forward  to the plane ride (we can play games on it every now and again.) We got our tickets a few day's ago. The person who gave us the tickets put us in the 'ready to go box'. (honestly I don't feel too ready) I've never been on a big flight before. Only been to Melbourne and New Zealand. When we flew to Melbourne, when we were going to land, my ears stared to hurt. Hope this one is better.
How I Feel About Going - Mackenzi (9) - 24 Days To Go

I am very excited but I am also very nervous and that makes a feeling in my stomach like excited and crazy butterflies.

Tonight at dinner I thought about not going, but then I thought about all the times when I let my fear overcome me and I can't let my nervousness overcome me now. I have to go.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

25 Days To Go ...

So our first stop will be in Jakarta.

The first full day we will get to meet one of our Compassion Sponsor Children, see their home and meet their family. We will get to take them shopping for some groceries etc.

The second day we will visit a Compassion Project and go to church there and experience an Indonesian Church Service.

Our third day in Jakarta will allow us to go visit our second sponsor child and visit their family etc.

We will tell you about phase 2 of our trip over to Manado in the coming days.

Below is a photo from my second visit to Indonesia, to Manado, with Medowie Christian School.

The boy I am holding in this photo died about 6 months after the visit. This is going to be an impacting trip on us all. Pray for us all as a family and as individuals.

This is such a powerful image to me. The white Jesus in the background with the halo contrasting with the malnutrition of the child. Christ however seems to be petitioning in the background, the same cry of my heart for this child. I am content knowing that a friend ended up sponsoring a child in this family, so that in the midst of the tragedy of death, there is still hope. 

Saturday, 25 August 2012

27 Days To Go

We have a lazy day ahead of us today. We started the day in bed and have slowly been getting in to gear since then. The main thing on our agenda today was getting a blog going. So here it is.

We got our tickets yesterday and it is becoming more real each day!