Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Where In The World Is ... Triniti?

Some of you may be asking this question. Those of you who know Triniti may not be as you know exactly what she is up to. 

For those a little lost, let me explain. Triniti and I are different ... rudimentary I know. But I am always up for resolving issues or processing thoughts immediately. Triniti on the other hand needs 24 hours to process before engaging in such conversations. Once she has that processing time, she is set to go. 

So, with that in mind, when you consider the last four days of exposure to the environment of Jakarta, the conditions and situations of our sponsor children, their families and neighbours, the injustices of extreme waste and opulence versus poverty, Triniti has been verbalising some of it with us, there is a great deal of processing going on. 

You then throw in to the mix Triniti's mother heart, her passion for teaching and I have seen her at times do all she can to stop from breaking in to tears. She is amazing and I love her. 

Even as I write this she is organising our children for the day, and responding to Connor's latest comment. Connor said this as he woke up this morning, "I am beginning to like this part of the trip less and less. I wish we could have brought Mega and Samuel with us and have them come with us and stay with us."

Connor is also feeling bad about the people who serve us in the hotel we are staying at present, e.g. carrying our bags, cleaning the room etc. 

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